Monday, June 18, 2012

Handling home businesses post-recession

Those running a home based business may be struggling to meet the challenges they face in recent years, during the economic recession and slow recovery.

Expert Jim Muehlhausen told Home Business Magazine that there are several things small business owners should keep in mind. One is to avoid dramatic changes. While the volatility and difficulties of the economy may encourage many self-employed Americans and small business owners to implement major changes in how they operate, he warned that it is generally a better idea to focus on business fundamentals.

Quickly-changing economic conditions are likely not as important to business success as operating efficiently and constructing a sound business model, the expert suggests. Paying too much attention to the broader economy may actually distract a business owner from more pressing concerns that he or she should be focusing on.

If business is slow or exceptionally difficult, it may also be a good opportunity to plan further ahead. There may be more time to devote to that sort of activity at the moment, and the business may perform better in the long run if it is prepared to act in a more fully recovered economy.

In the day trading business, this advice might mean avoiding any abrupt changes to trading strategies. Suddenly accelerating or slowing the pace of trades might be such an alteration, with potentially damaging consequences.

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